Recommended Recordings

As one of Our Recommendations and Recommended Recordings, we recommend Bricks In My Pillow, by Robert Nighthawk, on Delmark Records.

This CD contains the recordings Robert Nighthawk made in 1951 and 1952 for the United and States labels in Chicago.

CD cover, Bricks In My Pillow by Robert Nighthawk, on Delmark Records. This CD contains tracks from 1951 and 1952 sessions.
CD cover, Bricks In My Pillow by Robert Nighthawk, on Delmark Records. This CD contains tracks from 1951 and 1952 sessions.

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More Recommended Recordings

Our Recommended Recordings also include these Robert Nighthawk albums

CD cover, Prowlin' With The Nighthawk by Robert Nighthawk, on Document Records.
CD cover, Prowling With The Nighthawk by Robert Nighthawk, on Document Records.


If you’re travelling in Mississippi you may want to visit the Mississippi Blues Trail marker for Robert Nighthawk in Friars Point, Coahoma County, Mississippi.

The Mississippi Blues Trail marker for Robert Nighthawk, outside the building that was once Hirsbergs Drug Store in Friars Point, Mississippi
The Mississippi Blues Trail marker for Robert Nighthawk, outside the building that was once Hirsbergs Drug Store in Friars Point, Mississippi

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